A Star Wars filksong, based on Ani and Padme's romance. The tune is Short Skirt/Long Jacket by Cake, and here it is.

Brown Robe/Light Saber

I want a boy with a rebellious manner
I want a boy who loves his mom
I want a boy with a sword that cuts and eyes that burn like dying suns

I want a boy with the Jedi inclinations
Who is sweet, and impulsive, with a braid in his hair
He's coming to protect me, he's tripping on his words,
He's finding a new master and power to spare

I want a boy with a brown robe and a light saber

I want a boy who looks for trouble
I want a boy who makes me laugh
I want a boy with unstoppable ambition
Who uses a lightsaber to clear out his path

With strong desires to save the Republic
And and all the charisma to get it done fast
He is sweet, impulsive, with a braid in his hair
He's finding a new master and power to spare

I want a boy with a brown robe and a red light saber

I want a boy who can out-fly starfighters
I want a boy with a robotic hand
And on Naboo we will wed by the ocean
We'll move to Coruscant and have some kids

He wants to go and destroy all the Jedi
He wants a job that will make him forget
He's changing his name from Ani to Vader
He's trading his robe for a black cape and helmet

I want a boy with a brown robe and a light saber
