This is a filksong, written to the Counting Crows' Anna Begins, and based on the New Jedi Order Star Wars novel Dark Journey. Yep, that's right, an obscure story filked to an obscure song. Maybe there's one other person out there who'll appreciate it. Anyhow, this is what's going through Jedi Master Kyp Durron's mind over the course of the novel; if you want more background about the story, email me or read the book. Here's a midi file of Anna Begins to help you get the tune: Anna Begins

Jaina Begins

Jaina assures me "It's all or nothing"
I am not worried
I am not overly concerned
She implores me "For one time only,
We'll save the Jedi." I am not worried
She's wrapped up in a packet of lies
Send her off to a Yuuzhan Vong worldship
I am not worried
I am not overly concerned
With the status of her emotions
"Kyp," she says, "let's do it."
And we've got to do it
It does not bother me to say this isn't evil
If you're doing it for good then it can't be evil
And I think we're gonna have to live with that
See, Luke, it's something in a shade of grey
It's something in between
I can always pull her back if that's what you mean
She still reminds me "It's all or nothing"
But I am not really worried
I am not overly concerned
I try to tell myself the things I try to tell myself to make
Myself believe
The master's wrong this time
I am not worried
"But if it's evil," I said, "then we're gonna have to think about the
She can't stop killing and I can't stop shaking her and ...
This time when darkness comes like wind
It blows her overboard and Jaina begins to change her mind
"Those seconds when i'm killing leave me wondering for days" she says.
And I'm not ready for this sort of thing.
But I'm not gonna break
I'm gonna have to worry about it for awhile
I'm not gonna bend. She's my apprentice and
I'll have to find a path for both of us to take
(No no no no no)
I almost want to say "as long as we get answers .. "
But I know it's not that easy so maybe I should just
Wrap her up in a Force-induced trance
Send her back to her uncle and mother
I'm getting worried
I've done this sort of thing before
And so I have to think about the consequences
Because then I only had myself to think about
That time when darkness came like fog
And carried me away
But Jaina begins to change her mind
Still every time she fires I believe she's lost
And oh, Luke ... I'm not ready for this sort of thing.
She's talking on the com - it starts to help me see
And Jaina begins to make some sense
I used to think it nonsense but now I understand and
Oh, Luke, I think i'm ready for your sort of thing.
The Force is waxing strong
It's moving me along and Jaina begins to come back, too
It's taking us back home
She smiles again and hey, Luke .. at last I'm ready for this kind of thing.
