Archive of Our Own

X-Files LibraryThing

Welcome to Signs & Wonders v. 2.0!

~ Some links have changed! If you've been redirected to this page, click on the links above to find the file you're looking for. ~

In fall of 2007, my website suffered catastropic failure. Rather than exactly rebuild my old site, I've rethought the entire concept - this new site is streamlined and links go to my accounts on Dreamwidth and the Archive of Our Own.

One casualty of the move is my fanlistings: Beyond the Sea, Elegy, and Mulder's Fish. When my site collapsed, it took the member lists with it - I thought they were backed up, but clearly they weren't. I'm terribly sorry, guys! I will NOT be restarting the listings, and I've given them up at If you are interested in taking over, I do have the graphics and html, which I'm completely willing to email you.

I've also dropped the quotes pages, many of the graphics, and the wordy "about" pages that got on my nerves. Links are now in the right sidebar. You may need to update any bookmarks, as the directory structure has slightly changed.

Otherwise, the content here is largely the same! If you have comments, questions, or a link I should add to the sidebar, please contact me via my Dreamwidth or the email address listed above.

Please do not hotlink to any of the videos or images available on this site. You are otherwise welcome to reuse, repost, or archive them elsewhere on the internet. If you do, please let me know where, and please include a link back to this site. Thanks and enjoy!

Please note that this website is not affiliated with The X-Files or any associated entity. This site is for entertainment only: no infringement is intended and no profit is being made.