Here are assorted other things!
Please do not hotlink to any of the audio or images available on this site. You are otherwise welcome to reuse, repost, or archive them elsewhere on the internet. If you do, please let me know where, and please include a link back to this site. Thanks and enjoy!
Audio Files
Charles Trenet - La Mer (mp3, French version of Beyond the Sea)
Scully singing "Joy To The World" from Detour
Screencaps from "Making of The Truth" featurette
Family cap from Beyond the Sea
Cap from the Anasazi intro
Cap of Scully from Via Negativa
Cap of Scully from Improbable
Caps of Mulder and Dogget jumping from Vienen: one, two, three, four
Apocalpytic journal header graphic
Post-Modern Prometheus filmstrip sidebar
The old title image for this site
Journal mood theme (this theme, highly tweaked by me)
Cross-stitched IWTB poster
My X-Files Wall: one, two
My report from Valleycon 2004 where I met Dean Haglund!
X-Files Action Figure Crossover X-travaganza (Part 1)!
XF South Park dudes I made
Please note that this website is not affiliated with The X-Files or any associated entity. This site is for entertainment only: no infringement is intended and no profit is being made.