Archive of Our Own

X-Files LibraryThing


Here's all the vids that I've made, most of them a long, long time ago!

Please do not hotlink to any of the videos! You are otherwise welcome to repost or archive them elsewhere on the internet. If you do, please let me know where, and please include a link back to this site. Thanks and enjoy!

Series General/MSR

Rocky Horror Picture Show - Science Fiction Double Feature

For Halloween 2004. Humor & general awesomeness.

Barenaked Ladies - One Week

Mulder's kind of a dork. Humor, angst, shippy.

Counting Crows - Round Here

ANGST. Mostly cancer arc, mostly Scully, shippy.

Bowling for Soup - Girl All the Bad Guys Want
This is a 20-second vidbite put together for the livejournal vidbites community.

Pure MSR

Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved

THE shippy vid. I defy you not to smile by the end!

Frank and Nancy Sinatra - Somethin' Stupid

Just another silly shippy vid!

Character Studies

Neil Diamond - Mama Don't Know

At last! All CSM, all the time!

Indigo Girls - Ghost


Counting Crows - Raining in Baltimore

MulderAngst! Slow and sad.

Ernie - I Don't Want To Live On The Moon

Mulder figures in the end he'd rather have Scully than the universe.

Man of La Mancha - The Impossible Dream

Mulder as Don Quixote .. it seemed like a good idea at the time.

They Might Be Giants - I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die

Mulder shows off a rare sense of humor about himself and his mortal enemies! (Made with a TV and digital camera, but it came out surprisingly well.)



Ashokan Farewell from Ken Burns' documentary The Civil War. This is an episodic piece to The Field Where I Died.

Counting Crows - American Girls

AKA, the Sick and Twisted Donnie Pfaster Vid. My sister challenged me to make this one. It'll definitely creep you out.

Johnny Mathis - Wonderful, Wonderful

Humor! melannen shares blamecredit for this one.

Neil Diamond - That Kind
Mulder/Phoebe retrospective. The music's a little quiet on this one, so turn up your speakers.

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